KM Riley, Author at Meeple Mountain Board Game Reviews, Videos, Humor, and more Sun, 13 Sep 2020 15:37:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KM Riley, Author at Meeple Mountain 32 32 NPC (non-player character) — The DM’s Voice Tue, 22 Jan 2019 18:16:23 +0000


Players, I have bad news: you're not the center of the universe in your DM's game. There’s a bigger picture—an ever-changing world—and while your characters are the catalysts, there are many things happening behind the scenes. All of that is represented in the environment, storytelling, and oh yeah, the NPCs, or non-player characters.

[caption id="attachment_10859" align="aligncenter" width="573"] Photo by Janet Hughes[/caption]

Actions and Reactions

I’m passionate about D&D, well...pen and paper RPGs in general. It's not just kill, loot, level, repeat. These games encompass living, breathing worlds. More specifically, I cherish every interaction I spend with an NPC, because even if it seems mundane, there’s a point to it.

NPCs are, in many ways, the tools used by DMs to convey intentions, story or otherwise. As a DM I’ll always have that item-request NPC ready, but sometimes a small, insightful line like: “I, too, used these items when I was adventuring,” might trigger an entire exposition and questline, often unintentionally. Players want to know more, and it starts with NPC potential. It goes to show that they serve many purposes, beyond a villain, shopkeep, or quest giver. Better still this is the masterful veil where I, as a DM, get to know more about my players’ characters. It’s development on the most…

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Lifestyle of a Dungeon Master Tue, 13 Nov 2018 18:46:56 +0000


I run and play in and about seven D&D games. They’ve taught me a lot over the years, and when questioned, I like to share whatever nuggets of wisdom I’ve learned. I dared my community to ask me anything (related to D&D). Here are my takeaways.

[caption id="attachment_10178" align="alignnone" width="730"]Decisions decisions Photo by Ade McOran-Campbell[/caption]


Original Twitter Q&A:

Will Hagen‏ @williamjhagen

Q. How many encounters per long rest?

Riley‏ @thespirit_riley

A. Depends on where they decide to camp, and who wants to stay watch. When they're cautious, it's not as fun. I particularly enjoy the "encounter" dream some characters can tap into.

So I guess 0 if they prep, 1 if they dare me, 2+ if I'm feeling particularly evil.

Will Hagen‏ @williamjhagen

Q. Oh i meant between two long rests, not just during the rest

Riley‏ @thespirit_riley

A. Well, my friend that depends on their level, party preparedness, area, and how sassy you're feeling that day.

Further Thoughts:

It really depends on the party. There was a great comic on Order of the Stick where a character was blowing all of their spell slots nonchalantly, then commented how it was fine because there’s generally only one encounter per long rest. If your…

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Stories from Dungeon Masters Mon, 23 Apr 2018 15:58:38 +0000


There are things we do as players that make DMs facepalm or laugh out loud. They’re memories that stay with us, for better or worse. I have some moments to share gifted by fellow DMs, if only to relive happy times.

Note: Below are direct quotes from fellow DMs. I didn’t touch a word, not even to fix typos...

Dungeon Master Share


Having killed the evil Queen of Hearts, the story finishes with Alice (portal mage) granting the party access back to their own dimension. I was NOT expecting one of my players to murder the new King, shut the portal, and declare himself ruler of Wonderland.

Bonus: If a talking caterpillar offers you drugs DO NOT ACCEPT THEM!

This story also included the most frustrating moment: The Cheshire Cat was supposed to be their spirit guide around Wonderland. One of the players saw something invisible coming close, freaked out, and they all stabbed it to death. *sigh*

@thespirit_riley thoughts:

Granted, if the opportunity presented itself on a golden platter, I might be inclined to seize power too, especially if the new regent was of a particular alignment. Glad you let it play out, that's the most important thing. It just means you set something up that a…

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The Budget DM – Dungeon Mastering on the Cheap Fri, 02 Mar 2018 18:34:40 +0000 Intro

There’s a common misconception that you “need” things to run D&D. Nope. Where there’s a will saving throw, there’s a way. Not having the gear shouldn't stop you from being a DM. There's options to make do because players can use that imagination of theirs to fill in the rest.

Figures in Play

We’ll start with some of the more iconic aspects of the game: miniatures. Generally, they come into play during combat or the need to visualize a space, like a dungeon room. Let’s be honest, we all want our characters to be properly represented. Not to infringe on the miniature business here, but you don’t need a traditional mini. There’s dozens of alternatives, so I’ll name a few.

[caption id="attachment_6990" align="aligncenter" width="730"] Creative use of origami! Photo by /kallu[/caption]

If you play D&D regularly, chances are you or your friends own some board games. Grab those tokens or meeples, and voilà, you have something, however basic. Have a little more time on your hands? Then why not try origami? You can make almost anything you need in any color or pattern. It’s simple, it’s cheap, and frankly, it’s relaxing to do. Not to mention, they take up far less space than actual minis. If you dig arts…

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Mapping Out Your World Wed, 20 Dec 2017 16:58:21 +0000 Intro

D&D and world building go hand-in-hand. Running your own campaign involves everything from flushing out realms to creating dungeons; but where do you start and how? Let's take a broad look and talk maps.

What to Map

As I mentioned in my in my last article, Hook, Plotline, and Sinker, creating your own world is satisfying and easier than you think. Some of my favorite aspects of homebrew involve shaping the world your players adventure in. That means mapping out the places they’ve been, belong to, or want to visit. The notion of a realm’s map might seem overwhelming, but in reality, it creates itself.

Map in progress

You lie!

No, let’s take a gander at the image example above. It’s a work in progress from one of my current campaigns. When my players got started, there was a single point in that realm: Kirkreth, near the top of the map. At the time, I didn’t plan for anything more. As we progressed, questions and exploration filled out neighboring cities or future goals.

I asked one of my players, “Well, where are you from?” He answered with: “Knocktwood.” That’s a new point on the map.

Q&A in the form of roleplaying. They might ask NPCs, “Where does the werewolf live?” To be…

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Hook, Plotline, and Sinker – Building your own D&D campaign Fri, 20 Oct 2017 14:57:34 +0000

D&D Stories

No matter how you look at it, D&D essentially shapes a tale of some sort. How it ends is up to the party. There are plenty of modules and campaign settings that create a world and adventures characters can partake in. Even with a popular module, they don’t always end the same way, it depends on the players. The premise, however, remains.

With a module, different circles of players can compare their stories. How did you get through that dungeon? Did you spare the NPC? We never did find the magic weapon. Similarities are shared, but not necessarily outcomes. That's because player characters add variance. While the experience feels unique in game, everyone is still playing the same level.

My intent isn’t to bash modules. Having run Adventurer's League, there's an ease to a pre-made adventure, especially when you don't have the time to create something. That's an attractive trait to some. Still, when it comes to the long haul campaign, I crack my knuckles and let the creative juices flow: I want a setting entirely my own.

Writer's Syndrome

I fall for characters. Every time. To me, characters are the central point a campaign should revolve around. When you play D&D, you do so in character, based on a…

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D&D: The players, the stories, the games Mon, 11 Sep 2017 17:01:51 +0000

Ready, Play

The thing about RPGs is there's a type for every player out there; a genre, a play style, a theme. Some scratch that itch better than others. Like music, they appeal to everyone differently. That said, Dungeons and Dragons has continued to be my preferred choice, and not simply because it's the classic pen and paper game. What do I know? Well, I’ve dabbled in a few others, I’ll name a few of the more recognizable ones below.

Honorable Mentions

  • Ryuutama is one big journey. At its heart, it's about traveling through perilous places and working with your group to overcome obstacles. Each campaign can even reflect themes, like light and dark or campy versus mysterious.
  • Fate. The world is your own. Seriously, every story is unique. Its mechanics largely revolve around skills that characters bring to the table to interact with the world, players or NPCs.
  • Shadowrun is more... complex. It certainly demanded the longest time I ever spent on building a character. With this game, knowing the rules comes in handy. The intricacy is also its strong suit. It can craft a challenging world that players strive to endure.


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